Yesterday was a better day for Fiona in most respects. She has been a bit more playful with the other dogs...and she noticed one of the cats today! She was very curious...from a distance, that she is watching Tiki the Bengal cat walk away from her...
Fiona and Vito have been flirting quite a bit since she arrived on Monday night...I was finally able to get a few shots of them playing around. I think when she starts to feel better, these two are going to be inseparable ♥
Vito LOVES to play with other dogs and he has been dying to have someone to play with ever since our foster, Conroy, left in March (off to his furever home in Seattle). All the fosters we've had since then aren't interested in playing with him He's had to resort to running circles around the coffee table to entertain himself...haha!
It's so adorable to see them start to play...Toodles has been joining in a bit too...and in the 2 months I've had him, he has never shown any kind of interest in playing with the other dogs. I think they are both showing off with a new lady in the house! Tee hee...
All of the dogs are accepting Fiona very well. They don't seem to be bothered at all by how she looks or smells...aren't dogs just AWESOME?!
Here are a few shots of Fiona out on a walk with her new bros...the enjoys her time outside. She has a clumsy gait and trips over her front feet from time to time though. She appears to be pigeon-toed in the front.. I'm hoping as she gets stronger and healthier, her gait will improve some.
Look at that skinny girl!
Here's her before...the 'after' coming soon!
Fiona has been very itchy though and is still concerned and confused about what is going on. Last night, Sean and I drove up to Santa Monica to get a medicated seborrhea shampoo for her. As soon as we got the tub she went!
Bath time was NOT the highlight of her day...but the experience was made tolerable by getting fed CHICKEN while she was soaking. Fiona isn't an enthusiastic eater yet, unless it's chicken.
Is that what they call pigeon-toed? Something is definitely weird about her front legs. Although she isn't doing it in this picture, usually her feet are out like this and her right front elbow sticks out too. She really couldn't have a more perfect name...who doesn't love Shrek and Princess Fiona?? And this pup truly is a diamond in the rough...all she needs is some time and TLC and she'll be shiny and pretty...better than she has ever been, I'm guessing.
Here is the lovely girl right after her bath...still a little discombobulated from the scrub and soak experience....
Sean and I were both amazed at how much GUNK came off after just the one bath. All the stuff that came off was totally dead and she wasn't left with any bleeding spots or vulnerable fresh skin.
Next one will be on Sunday!
About 10 minutes later, she was completely dry but still shivering. She has been shivering ever since we got her. I am assuming the tremors are from a combination of anxiety, being chilly, and discomfort/pain. We bundled her up in this blanket and she promptly tucked her head in and crashed out!
Shortly after her bath, I woke her up to give her a dose of Traumeel, which is a homeopathic analgesic and anti-inflammatory. I give this to my older dachshund to manage his arthritis and it has done WONDERS for him. I asked Dr. Jones if he thought it would help make Fiona more comfortable and he said it certainly could help quiet her down...and boy did it! After her Traumeel, it was time for bed. I tucked her into her Princess' Lair and she snuggled up and went straight to sleep. No shaking, scratching, licking or chewing. In fact, she apparently was resting VERY comfortably because she was sawin' logs ALL night long. It was completely adorable
Sweet Dreams Baby Girl ♥
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