Friday, May 20, 2011

Beauty Rest for the Princess

Hello!  TGIF everyone...thanks for Following Fiona and supporting her rescue.  Please keep the donations coming...every little bit helps.  Demodex mange is totally curable but, it can be a long and expensive road to recovery.
Please also share Fiona's blog on FB, Twitter, etc!  My wish is that some of the people following Fiona will be inspired to open their home and hearts to a dog in need, just like Fiona.

Day 3 was a quiet one for Fiona.  She spends a lot of her time resting under a blankie in one of the dog beds.  Sort of like this...
Her appetite is improving...last night I threw in a few pieces of kibble to start switching her over, she LOVED it.  Here is Fiona and her bros watching on as I prepare dinner... SO CUTE!

Is it me, or does it look like the inflammation around her face is improving some already?  Also, her skin overall isn't as bright red as it was on Monday.
Just as a side note:  Flax seed is a great, natural anti-inflammatory (as well as an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber)...Fiona turns her nose up to it, but I make sure she gets about a teaspoon a day mixed in her yogurt.  It's a great addition to a healthy dog's diet too!

Speaking of turning her nose up, we finally got Fiona's oral ivermectin yesterday.  I am guessing that stuff doesn't actually taste anything like chicken because she gagged and shook her head for about 20 minutes after I dosed her...poor girl!  Despite the horrible taste, she is VERY good about taking her medicine.

Fiona  really loves her boys...every one of them she cozies up to when they're lying down.  I walk the dogs in pairs and not matter which guy she goes out with, she always tries to get as close to them as she can and even nuzzles them while they're walking...trying to get a pic of that!  It's too cute!

That's all for today, folks!  Thank you again for your support and for Following Fiona!

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