Friday, June 3, 2011

Fi-Fi the Wonder Pooch!

Hello Fiona fans!  So sorry we've not been back to update you all in a while.  I've still been very busy with Blanca, my little old lady foster.  She sure keeps me busy some days.  Plus my hands have been bothering me so, it's been difficult to sit down and type a whole lot at one time  
Fiona had her recheck with Dr. Jones on Tuesday.  When he first came into the room, Fiona was still in her crate and he looked at me tentatively and asked "Well, does she look any better...too soon to tell?"  I said OH NO, she is a doing great!  He was very surprised to see how much new hair she has.  She is responding extremely well to treatment.

<--May 21st, notice how red and inflammed, NO hair around her eyes)

June 3rd...look at
all that hair!-->

 Another look, this time at the top of her head...

<--This was taken her 1st night here, May 16th.  Red, blotchy, crusty, sad and OH SO smelly 

This one was taken today!  A little red still but much improved-->

Fiona still sleeps more than an average dog her age, I'd say...although, sometimes it's hard to tell.  Chihuahuas make pretty good couch potatoes! 

But, it does seem she has some days that are better than others-in terms of mood and energy.

Since Fiona came to join us, I have been walking the dogs for just quick trips out, 2 pups at a time.  I've tried before to manage 4 dogs on a good, long walk and it is a fiasco.  BuT...the guilt has been getting to me.  Vito, Raleigh and Toodles are used to going for a walk to the park every day.  Vito especially needs this time outside.  He gets really restless and even chews his feet and dewclaws from boredom 
I've been trying to figure out the least traumatic way (for ME and the dogs, lol) to work this out.  I've tried a connector lead before and it was such a BAD idea that I finally gave up after several attempts.  I think with a connector lead, the dogs must be strategically paired up...and it occurred to me this morning that Vito and Fiona are a perfect pair!
Both of them LOVE to walk at the very end of the lead, eager to see where we're going next, they're about the same weight and they also happen to dig (no pun intended) each other quite a bit   Yesterday we did a trial walk around a couple blocks and then back home.  It wasn't perfect by any means, but I see potential here!


Today I decided we would go all the way to the park and see how they do. I took an extra leash so that once we were at the park, I could separate the two and they could go off and explore a little on their own, and THAT was the trickiest part of the whole venture.

They did really well with it.  It will take some time before they aren't tugging each other so much...I can already see them start to figure out that the whole situation is a lot more fun if they just go with the true, isn't it? 

And some shots of the pretty girl at the park..


LÓ-Ò¬k at the gorgeous brown-eyed girl! 

I can't believe how big and dark her eyes are, now that the inflammation around her face and eyes has diminished.  

That's all for now folks.  We'll be back to update everyone in a few more days! 
-xoxo, from Fiona 

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